email: Richard Ball
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Lemuel Sellers Williams
Carrie Theresa Jones

Mable Jean

children of Lemuel Sellers and Carrie Theresa Williams

Mable Jean Williams

Notes: Jean started school in Braganza, Georgia, but by second grade the family
had moved to Folkston, Georgia, then to Alapaha and finally, by the fourth
grade, to Baldwin, Florida.

She attended Stetson University for the sophomore year but then married
Ken Martin in 1948 and settled down to rear three children.

After the children were grown Jean went back to college at JU where she
received her degree, after which she taught for 15 years at Justinia Road
Elementary School, retiring at age 55.

She joined the Gideons in 1990, becoming first Scripture Secretary and
then Secretary-Treasurer.

(information: Ken Martin)

 married at Folkston, Charlton County, Georgia

Kenneth Walter Martin
car salesman, car dealer, RV dealer

The names of the people in the Kelly family   |  The surnames in the Kelly family tree  |   The sources from which the Kelly information is drawn |  
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