He first appears in the muster rolls of the free settlers at the Cape in the year 1713. By 1714 he is listed in Stellebosch and by April 1716 he is living in Drakenstein, apparently single, but this may be a mistake since, in the listings for that year, he is sandwiched between Andries Krugel and Zacharia Visser, and Hans Kune and Susanna Koekemoer and in 1722 he is still there, listed with his wife, Maria Putters. (Cape Archives, Muster Rolls VC49).
 He was apparently farming somewhere north of Piketberg in 1739 when he is mentioned in the Resolutions of the Council of Policy in connection with the raids against the bushman of that year. (C. 110, pp. 53-104. 2 June, and C. 112, pp. 3-33. 31 October 1739)
 There are various grants of grazing rights around the Olifants and Doorn Rivers between 1730 and 1772, the last on 24 October 1772 to 'Jochem Koekemoer de Oude'. (Receiver of Land Revenue Records, Cape Archives)
 Both Jochem and his wife, Maria Putters were apparently still living when their daughter Cornelia made her will on 20th March 1776 in which they were named as her heirs should she have no children of her own. (Cape Archives, CJ 2630, 22) |