6 Cape Archives online Index - NAAIRS MOOC 13/1/3, 56 - 1744 - via Mansell Upham You may be interested to note that according to MOOC 13/1/3 No. 56, Arie's daughter Maria van Wijk is listed as being mother to the following children all living at the time the Account was drawn up: Ist marriage: Pieter Joubert Jan Joubert Jacob Joubert Willem Joubert Elisabeth Joubert Josua Joubert Gideon Joubert
Estate Accounts - Van Wijk, Maria wife of CJStriegel - 1745 en [haar]e thien naargelaatene kinderen met naame Pieter, Jan, Jacob, Willem, Elisabeth, Josua, en Gideon Jubert, in eerder huwelijk bij wylen haar eerste Man Jan Jubert gep[rocreE]ert |