email: Donald Reid, Australia
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Trijntje Harmensz: 1
On 31st March 1702 she stated before the Weesmeesters that, due
to the manifold sicknesses that had beset her late husband the land
was in a poor state as well as in debt; she asked to be allowed time,
in which she would do her best to find the money to pay the paternal
inheritance belonging to the two children from her late husband's first
marriage to Trijntje Hillebrands.

A note of 1712 from the same document gives the names of her three
children by Willem van Wijk.

The reference to this document was provided from his research by
Mansell Upham, to whom I am most grateful for this vital information.
(Cape Archives, MOOC 5/1, Weesmeesteren: Extracten 1699 enz., p.7)

Of her children by Jurgen Kervel, two appear in the baptismal registers
but Hilletje and Catharina Kervel are included on the evidence of various
baptisms with their witness, which I have mentioned in their notes.
(See also my notes)

married (1)

( they first appear as a couple in the opgaaf returns of 1695,
apparently already with a child. The marriage is assumed
to have taken place at Drakenstein. )

Willem van Wijk
died 1702
of Sandwijk, in Drakensteijn 2

c1696 -


d. c1756

married (2)  17

( the year they first appear as a couple in the
opgaaf and muster roll returns)

Jurgen Kervel
died before 1719

1710 -




children of Trijntje Harmensz: and Willem van Wijk

Maria van Wijk 3 circa 1696-1773
born circa 1696, at the Cape 4
died 25 February 1773, Drakenstein 5
will dated 15 December 1755 6
and filed 8 February 1773 7

Notes: She appears not to have had any
children. In her will dated 15th December 1755
she stated that she had no relations or friends still
living to whom she legally owed anything and that
she declared as here only and univeral heir, the
burger Isak Nieuwout.

 married 23 December 1714 Cape Town 9

Cornelis Pietersz Stapper 8 circa 1689-circa 1744
of Drakenstein 10
born circa 1689, Opperdoes 11
died circa 1744, (assumed from filing date of will) 12
will dated 18 September 1724 13

Anna van Wijk died 1732
died between 1732 and 1737, (assumed)
 married (1)

Gerrit Willemsz
 married (2)

Isaac Nieuwoudt 14

Willem van Wijk Willemsz: died circa 1756
born at the Cape
died circa January 1756
 married (1) 2 January 1729 Drakenstein

Johanna Catharina Campher 15 1707-circa 1746
 married (2) 30 August 1746 Swartland

Hendrina Monk 16 1729-1767
of De Klijne Fontijn, beyond the Oliphantsrivier

children of Trijntje Harmensz: and Jurgen Kervel

Burger Kervel 1710-circa 1774
born 1710 18
baptized 16 March 1710, Stellenbosch 19
died circa 1774 20

Notes: From the Opgaaf (Tax) returns, where he
first appears in 1731 living in the Drakenstein District, he would
seem never to have married.

Between 1735 and 1757 he seems to have been farming in a very
small way, at first in the Cape District and then from 1741 in the
Stellenbosch District. From 1761 onwards he owned nothing but
his horse and his guns.

His estate accounts list very little other than small debts. His
heirs were listed as:

Isaak Nieuwwout as heir of the widow Corenelis Pieters: Stapper

and Hendrik Andries Truter married to Susanna Catharina Victor
and Johannes Victor as heirs of the late Wijnand Victor

Elsje Kervel born 1712
born 1712 21
baptized 2 July 1712, Drakenstein 22

Hilletje Kervel died 1760
died 12 August 1760, Swartland
 married 7 December 1731 [according to De Villiers/Pama]

Theunis van Aarde

Catharina Kervel died 1760
died 7 March 1760, Cape district 23

Notes: She is included as a child of the above
couple on the following grounds: In 1730 she and her
husband were the witnesses at the baptism of Isaac
son of Isaac Niewout and Anna van Wijck, and in 1731
this latter couple were the witnesses at the baptism
of Anna Catharina Victor. And in 1734 Catharina and
Christiaan Victor were the witnesses to the baptism
of Anna, daughter of Gerrit van Wyk and Maria Pruvo.

 married 4 June 1730 [according to De Villiers/Pama] 24

Christiaan Victor

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all material on this page copyright Richard Ball 2010
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