Arij Lekkerwijn
died circa December 1697, (assumed from date in inventory) 1
 | Notes: | The inventory of his deceased estate suggests that they were poverty stricken indeed.
 According to the Muster Rolls of 1695 (VC39, page 146) she and Arie Leckerwijn had 3 children at that date. According to W. Hattingh (Familia 1978, pp.17 onwards) they had two more after that (1696 and 1697) which would explain the 6 children listed against Hendrik Hatting and Maria in the muster rolls of 1701. (VC 49 p.11 )
 Her inventory of 1704 states that she left 7 minor children.
 The Joernaal des Kaapse Weese for January 1698 (?1718) lists
 Dirk Lekkerwyn Cornelis Lekkerwyn Ary Lekkerwyn Claas Lekkerwyn and Maria Lekkerwyn
 On 24 December 1724 Hans Hendrik Hatting requests permission of the Weeskamer to pay out to his step children Dirk, Arij and Claas Lekkerwyn each his erfportie since they all now mondig. This is granted. (Weeskame Notulen - 1724, MOOC 1/3)
 In MOOC 6/1, Weeskamer Notullen, page 166, 8 June 1729, Arij Lekkerwijn is described as recently married to Maria van Nieuwenbroek, under guardianship of the Weeskamer and requesting her inheritance, which was granted.

----------------------------- Persoonsgegevens van Arij Leckerwij Herkomst: Cabo de goede hoop Rang: Soldaat Datum einde verbintenis: 00/00/0000 Einde verbintenis: Andere kamer Plaats einde verbintenis: Onbekend
 Gegevens van de vaart Schip: Schagen Inventarisnr.: 14466 Kamer: Hoorn Folio: 283 Uitreis: 07/10/1758 Bestemming: Batavia DAS- en reisnr 3742.2 Aankomst: 17/06/1759 uitgevaren voor de kamers
 Weeskamer Klad notulen (draft minutes)
 21 March 1729
 Soals wijders mede ten versoeke van den landbouwer Arij Lekkerwijn is toegstaan en g'accordeert om ook te mogen trouwen met Maria van Nieuwen broek
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