11 Will - Parlett, James - 1569, Dated 10 March 1569 and proved 6 April 1570 at £22 vjs iiiid, Norfolk Record Office, ANF Liber 23 fo 228, MF 187 to Cysele Parlett Alyse Parlett and Susan Parlett my daughters at age of 18 years
Will - Parlett, Inger - 1571, Dated [ ] and proved 29 March 1571, Norfolk Record Office, ANF Liber 23 fo. 370, MF 188 Susan my youngest daughter ... at age of 18 years ...
Will - Parlett, Cecylye - 1571, Dated 8 September 1571 and proved 6 December 1571, Norfolk Record Office, ANF Liber 23 (Annyson) fol 282, MF 188 to Susanna Parlett two mylch kine or else 40 shillngs .. my red peticote. I will that my uncle Richard M[ro]ste shall have the bringing up of the said Susanna my sister with the former gifts to her use as beforesaid ... |