1 National Archvies C 10-26-68 Mingay, Hawys and Norris v Tailor, Skirrey, Sadleton - Norfolk ... Thomas Hawys late of Armgton in the County of Norfolk gent dec'd did the 27 day of Aug: 1623 [did ma]ke his last will &testament in writing &did therein amongst other things give &devise unto Stephen Hawys his brother lately [dec'd] father of the said Edmund all his unbequeathed lands /
Will - Hawys, Thomas, of Ovington - 1623, dated 22 August 1623 and proved 10 December 1623, Norfolk Record Office - transcript received from John Martin, NCC will register Lawson 91 Yf Jeffrey my Sonne depte [depart] this life in his Minoritie that then Ann my wife shall have the whole Benefitt of my Estate dureinge her Naturall lyfe, And after her decease That Stephen Hawis my Brother shall have all my unbequeathed land to him and his heires for ever Yeildinge and payeinge out of the same unto the Children of other Brothers and Sisters one Thousand pounds Equally devided amongest them wthin two yeares after the decease of Anne my wife |