Anna Groothenning
born Bengal 1
baptized 1 January 1713, Cape Town 2
died between 1718 and 1719 3
 | Notes: | Anna Groothenning also had a daughter, Maria, surnamed Bok in the Inventory of Hans Casper Gerringer, 10 Feb 1719 (MOOC8/3,95) where she is given an age of 16 but she is not included among the heirs of Christiaan Bok in the inventory dated 26 August 1761 (MOOC8/3,36). She is listed without a surname in the estate accounts dated the 24th September1721 (MOOC 13/1/1, 115) where she is recorded as being the wife of Thomas Ijsman.
 Margaret Cairns in her Familia article on this family assumes that she was the daughter of Hans Casper Gerringer but she provides no evidence for this assumption other than the fact that Anna, a slave, belonged to him. |
| | children of Anna Groothenning and Christiaan Bok | |
| | Michiel Bok born circa 1702 baptized 19 March 1702, Cape Town married Elisabeth van der Poel |
| Catharina Bok circa 1705-circa 1779 born circa 1705, at the Cape died circa December 1779 married 6 March 1718 Cape Town Steven Gous 6 1683-before 1758 farmer of Berg en Daal, Koeberg |
| Anna Bok 7 born 1708 born 1708 8 baptized 21 October 1708, Cape Town 9
 Notes: She was baptised Johanna and known by that name as a child but at the time of her marriage and later she seems to have been known as Anna Bok.
 There is no child Anna mentioned among the heirs of Christiaan Bock (MOOC 8/3, 36) but from the Estate Accounts of Clara Bok (MOOC 13/1/22, 4) of 1798 it is clear that she had a sister known as Anna Bok married to Andries Bester. Since the child Johanna is the only one of the 5 children unaccounted for in later records, and the minutes of the Weeskamer (MOOC 1/3, page 34, 21st July 1724) note that Johanna Bok received her inheritance of f.3000 upon her marriage and Anna Bok married Andries Bester in February 1724 I have assumed that Johanna and Anna must have been one and the same person .
 married 13 February 1724 Stellenbosch 10 Andries Bester
 Notes: In 1798, in the Estate accounts of his wife' sister, Anna Bok, are listed 5 sons, Andries, Christiaan, Paul and Jacobus Bester, all already dead but leaving offspring who are named, and Nicolaas Bester, still living at that date.
| Christiaan Bok 11 born 1714 born 1714 12 baptized 8 July 1714, Cape Town 13
 Notes: He was entrusted to the care of his brother, Michiel Bok, by the will of Hans Casper Gerringer when the latter died in early 1719 (Cairns, Gerringer & Bok, in Familia, 13 no 1) but by early 1724 Michiel Bok was complaining to the Weeskamer that Christiaan kept running away and that his sister, wife of Steven Gous, encouraged him. In June of the same year he reported that the boy had once again run away and was with his sister and Gous and suggested that it might be best if the child was put under their care.
 The Weeskamer noted that over the previous three years there had been many of these spats and that they had previously given Michiel warning to look properly after his brother so now they sent the child to live with the messenger of the Weeskamer, Nicolaas Mulder, at 5 rixdaalers a month. (MOOC 1/3, pages 9 and 28)
 Presumably this did not solve the problem since on the 9th September 1727 Andries Bester, his brother-in-law asked to have Christiaan live wtih him, in order to learn farming, which was granted. (MOOC 1/5, page 63)
 On the 21st February 1728 Andries Bester asked the Weeskamer for 600 gulden Christiaan's capital in order to buy in a quantity of cattle. Steven Gous, Christiaan's other brother-in-law stood guarantor for the money. The request was granted. (MOOC 1/6, page 9)
| Clara Bok 14 circa 1716-circa 1798 born circa February 1716, at the Cape 15 died circa 1798 16 married (1) circa 1758 ? date of joint will 18 Gideon Slabbert 17
will dated 1 October 1758 19
and filed after 2 September 1768 20 married (2) 4 February 1731 Cape Town 22 Johann Georg Fuchs 21 died circa 1735 born Weenen (apparently Vienna), Austria 23 died circa 1735, (assumed from filing date of will) 24
will dated 18 October 1732 25
and filed 21 May 1735 26
 Notes: His will is in the name of Johan Jurgen Fox, but he signed it Johann Georg Fuchs.
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