Cape Archives index - NAAIRS online index |
Cape Death Notifications 1758-1833 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 6/1, 6/2, 6/3 |
Cape Muster Rolls, Vryelieden |
 | handwritten copy of the copies sent to the Netherlands from the Cape |  | Cape Archives, VC 39 |
Cape Opgaaf Returns |
 | computerisation by UWC, printouts as housed at GISA, Stellenbosch |  | Genealogical Institute of South Africa |
Church Registers - Amsterdam, Oude Waalse Kerk |
Church Registers - Cape Town Congregation |
 | Cape Archives, originals in the Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, Stellenbosch, VC 603, 604, 605, 621 - baptisms and marriages 1695+ |
Church Registers - Celigny, Geneva 1571- 1798 |
 | microfilm copy |  | Latter Day Saints, film number 128310 |
Church Registers - Drakenstein Congregation |
 | Cape Archives (originals in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, Stellenbosch), VC644, VC645, VC654 |
Church Registers - Stellenbosch Congregation |
 | photocopies of the original register |  | Cape Archives (originals in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, Stellenbosch), VC 633, VC 639, VC 645 |
Church Registers - Swartland Congregation |
 | photocopies of the original register |  | Cape Archives (originals in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, Stellenbosch), VC 666-8, VC 672 |
Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation |
 | photocopies of the original register |  | Cape Archives (originals in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, Stellenbosch), VC 657, and VC 644 and VC 665 |
Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation - Deaths |
 | Het Boek der gestorvene persoonen In't land van Waveren |  | Cape Archives, VC 665 |
Deed of Surety (Acte van Kinderbewys) - Conterman, Johanna wed. Gous - 1735 |
 | date 23 June 1735 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 12/1, 28 |
Deed of Surety (Acte van Kinderbewys) - Gousch, Elisabeth - 1789 |
 | dated 31st July 1789 |  | Cape Archives, CJ 2681/22 |
Deed of Surety (Acte van Kinderbewys) - Gousch, Johanna - 1758 |
 | dated 17 March 1758 |  | Cape Archives, CJ 2664, 9 |
Deed of Surety (Acte van Kinderbewys) - Gouse, Hester - 1770 |
 | dated 31st August 1770 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 12/4, 28 |
Estate Accounts - Bok, Clara, weduwe Gideon Slabbert - 1798 |
 | dated 12 July 1798 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/22, 4 |
Estate Accounts - De Clercq, Johanna - 1748 |
 | starting 1748, finalised 8 August 1757 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/4, 2 |
Estate Accounts - Duiff, Andries - 1737 |
 | Earliest date October 1734 for the sale of goods, accounts finalised 31 August 1737 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/2, 100 |
Estate Accounts - Gerringer, Hans Casper, Christiaan Bok and Anna Grootheijning |
 | final date 24 September 1721 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/1, 115 |
Estate Accounts - Gousch Johanna - 1794 |
 | starting July 1795 and finalised 23 December 1795 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/20, 44 |
Estate Accounts - Gousch, Elisabeth - 1800 |
 | final date 30 June 1800 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/23, 24 |
Estate Accounts - Gousch, Sara wed Bruijns - 1802 |
 | starting 1798 finalised 9 December 1802 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/25, 31 |
Estate Accounts - Maartensz, Jannetje - 1737 |
 | Earlierst date in accounts 7 May 1736, sale of goods; account finalised 31 August 1737 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/2, 99 |
Estate Accounts - Van Emmenes, Gerrit - 1771 |
 | dated 21 June 1771 - earliest date is November 1769 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/7, 56 |
French Refugees at the Cape, by Colin Graham Botha |
French Speakers at the Cape, by Maurice Boucher |
 | University of South Africa, Pretoria, 1981 |
Geslagsregister van ou Kaapse Families |
 | A.A. Balkema, Cape Town, 1966 |
Hoge, Dr J., Bydraes tot die Genealogie van Ou Afrikaanse Families |
 | A. A. Balkema, Amsterdam, 1958 |
Inventory - Bekker, Marthinus - 8 February 1752 |
 | In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002 |  | page 619, MOOC 8/7, 20 |
Inventory - Bock, Christiaan - 1716 |
 | TANAP, dated 26, 27 and 28 August 1716 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 8/3, 36 |
Inventory - Botma, Magdalena - 1763 |
Inventory - Couchet, Sara - 1714 |
 | dated 9 April 1714 |  | Cape Archives via TANAP, MOOC8/3, 29 |
Inventory - De Swart, Louis - 2 October 1738 |
Inventory - Gaus, Pieter - 9 May 1730 |
 | In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002 |  | page 327, MOOC 8/5, 27 |
Inventory - Gausch, Andries - 1735 |
 | dated 23 June 1735 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 8/5, 85 |
Inventory - Gobregts, Christiaan - 8 November 1731 |
 | In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002 |  | page 350, MOOC 8/5, 49 |
Inventory - Goos, Andries - 9 June 1698 |
 | In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002 |  | page 27, MOOC 8/1,37 |
Inventory - Gous, Sara 1722 |
 | dated 9th December 1722 |  | MOOC 8/4, 39 |
Inventory - La Grange, Maria Fredrika - 1795 |
 | dated 23 December 1795 at Gourtis Rivier |  | Cape Archives via TANAP, MOOC 8/52, 30b |
Inventory - Loots, Elisabeth, wife of Willem Meier - 1771 |
Inventory - Oosthuijsen, Elsje - 1740 |
 | dated 29 December 1740 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 8/6, 41a |
Inventory - Oosthuisen, Anna - 22 December 1745 |
 | In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002 |  | page 533, dated 22 December 1745, MOOC 8/6,100 |
Inventory - Pretorius, Wessel - 23 October 1752 |
 | In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002 |  | page 638, MOOC 8/7, 26 |
Inventory - Vosloo, Johannes - 1765 |
Jannetje de Clerc, by J.E. Malherbe |
 | In: The Huguenot Bulletin, 35, 1998 |  | page 52 |
Joernaal-boek der Caapse Weesen van de jaare 1698 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 18/1, page 14 |
Malan O.G. - Verlore Dokumentasie oor die Gemeente Stellenbosch van 1689 tot 1725 |
 | In: Capensis issue 2 of 2000 |
Nationaal Archief - VOC - Opvarenden |
Resolutions of the Council of Policy |
Weeskamer Joernal |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 18 |
Weeskamer Klad Notulen (draft minutes) |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 1/78 |
Weeskamer Notulen Boek |
Will - Becker, Carel Christiaan and Margaretha la Grange |
 | dated 10 Maarch 1736 |  | Cape Archives, CJ 2654, 104 |
Will - Bester, Nicolaas and Aletta Dorothea Gous - 1784 |
 | dated 18 March 1784 and filed 26 March 1798 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/42, 16 |
Will - Bock, Catharina, wed. Steven Gousch - 1758 |
 | dated 17 March 1758 |  | Cape Archives, CJ 22664, 10 |
Will - Bock, Catharina, wed. Steven Gousch - 1767 |
 | dated 22nd April 1767 and filed 30th December 1779 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/22, 45 |
Will - Couchet, Sara - 1711 |
 | will dated 4 January 1711 - no filing date attached |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/2, 74 |
Will - Fox, Johan Jurgen and Clara Bok - 1732 |
 | dated 18th October 1732, and filed 21 May 1735 |  | Cape Archives, CJ 2605, 41 and MOOC 7/1/5, 9 |
Will - Gausch, Steeven & Catharina Bok - 1737 |
 | dated 9th July 1737 - no date of filing attached |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/9, 55 |
Will - Gous, Andries - 1804 |
 | dated 3rd February 1804 and filed 19 June 1810 |  | MOOC 7/1/59, 62 |
Will - Gous, Andries Stephanus - 1804 |
 | dated 31 March 1804 and filed 8 November 1814 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/49, 85 |
Will - Gous, Andries Stephanus and Maria Hendrina Muller - 1768 |
 | dated 13 October 1768 |  | Cape Archives, CJ 2668, 73 |
Will - Gous, Andries and Anna Magdalena Vosloo - 1773 |
 | dated 4 March 1773 and filed 29 September 1792 |  | MOOC 7/1/37, 24 |
Will - Gous, Clara - 1804 |
 | dated 20 Octobe 1804 and filed 3rd August 1821 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/85, 36 |
Will - Gous, Stephanus and Catharina Huppenaar - 1787 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/46, 22 |
Will - Gousch, Pieter and Magdalena Brits - 1779 |
 | dated 31st May 1779, and filed 29 October 1799 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/44, 57 |
Will - Grangie, Pieter and Margarita Kool - 1718 |
 | dated 23 April 1718 and filed 22nd October 1728 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/4, 51 |
Will - Slabbert, Gideon and Clara Bok - 1758 |
 | dated 1 October 1758 and filed after 1 September 1768 (last dated codicil, no filing date attached) |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/19, 38 |
Will - Smit, Alewyn and Hester Bekker - 1774 |
Will - Smit, Johannes Petrus and Elisabeth Gousch - 1785 |
 | dated 15th April 1785 and filed 1 October 1788 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/32, 99 |
Will - Strijdom, Matthijs and Johanna Gous - 1755 |
 | dated 3rd February 1755 - no date of filing attached |  | MOOC 7/1/8, 3 |
Will - Strydom, Matthijs and Johanna Gous - 1755 |
 | dated 3 Feb 1755 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/8, 3 |