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| The Parsonage, Burwell

This seems to have been the home of Salisbury Dunn the elder (see previous page) and presumably the same house which Gunning* describes as 'the old manor house, situated about three quarters of a mile from the church, on the very edge of the fens' and where he received such an ample meal in 1780.

Thomas Thwaites Ball and his family lived here from around 1856 until probably 1866 (his family bible lists his children born during that period as having been born in the Parsonage).

By 1871 (according to the census enumeration of that year)
Salisbury Ball and his family were living in this house. | |
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| Frederick Eustace Ball with his wife Jessie and children Eustace, Margeret and Noel photographed at the Parsonage around 1913 | |
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| After the death of Salisbury Ball in 1896 his son
Frederick Eustace Ball and his family lived here until around 1922 when F.E.Ball left the Parsonage for Knodishall in Suffolk.

I am told that when my grandfather, Herbert Saddleton Ball, visited Burwell (either in 1901 after his father died or in 1914 when he escorted troops to Britain) he found that the oak panelling in the Parsonage, where he had been born, had all been painted white. He, apparently, considered this to have been a desecration. Later, of course, according to C.E.Lucas** the panelling was removed. | |
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| * Henry Gunning - Reminiscences of the University, Town and County of Cambridge. London, George Bell, 1855. | |
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| ** Charles Lucas - The Fenman's World, published by Jarrold, Norwich, 1930. | |
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