16 Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation, extracted and transcribed by Mev. M de Villiers and André Kellerman, 2001, Cape Archives, VC 659, VC 664 baptisms no. 21, page 325 Willem Francois, gedoopt den 22 Maart en geboren den 28 Januarij (1795) Ouders: Schalk Willem Du Toit, Hester Sicilia Burger
Will - Burger, Willem &Catharina Liebenberg 12 November 1770 In this will she is called Cicilia, whereas in the will date 4th October, just prior to his marriage, she is called Hester.
Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation, extracted and transcribed by Mev. M de Villiers and André Kellerman, 2001, Cape Archives, VC 659, VC 664 baptisms no. 21, page 325 Willem Francois, gedoopt den 22 Maart en geboren den 28 Januarij (1795) Ouders: Schalk Willem Du Toit, Hester Sicilia Burger
Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation, extracted and transcribed by Mev. M de Villiers and André Kellerman, 2001, Cape Archives, VC 659, VC 664 Film 153, baptism no. 29, p.63 't Kind: Hester Cicilia |