|  |  |  | The genealogies offered here are fragments because I have
only included my own ancestors. Unless otherwise stated you can assume that a person with little or no detail is thus because I have no more information, not because that person did not marry and produce children.
 I have, however, tried to establish the complete families of each of my ancestors, that is brothers and sisters, step mothers and fathers, aunts uncles and cousins, so as to obtain as complete a picture as possible of their place and time.

I first became interested in my South African ancestors about five years ago.

To begin with I tried to establish a link between my mother's parents and the information published in Genealogies of the Old Cape Families, by C.C.de Villiers, revised C.Pama, 1961.

When I had achieved that, with the help of relations, friends and researchers in South Africa, I started to trace all my ancestors backwards.

At this point I began to discover discrepancies in the published genealogies and I decided to base my family histories only on original documents and not on any published works.

Luckily for me the quantity of documentary sources for South African ancestory is huge. Living, however, in England, consulting
the documenary sources has not been so easy.

By joining a few of the then available email discussion groups I was able to learn what and where such sources were and, luckily for me, just at that time, the South African Archives created an online index to much of its genealogical material, which enabled me to order, via researchers, copies of many of the documents I needed.

Having now done much original research I would like to share what I have with others, for the benefit of those who may be interested in the same families, and as a way of thanking all those generous people who have helped me in the past.

My special thanks go to Andre Kellerman, Helena Liebenberg and Daniel and Malan Jacobs for their invaluable help with document copies. |  |  |  |  | | If
anyone has any corrections or suggestions to make I would be very glad to hear from them. | |  |  |  | | Meanwhile
I hope that making my work available may help someone somewhere to make a connection they may be struggling with. | |  |  |  | | The
facts are public property but my interpretaions and work are copyright. If you use any of the information on this site I do ask that you acknowledge your source. | | |  | |  | All
pictures on this site are copyright and may not be used without permission from the owners. | | |  | |
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Johannes Petrus Janse van Rensburg,farmer of Leeuwenkuil, Koue Bokkeveld, Western Cape (died after 9 July 1877) |  |
Johannes Hermanus Redelinghuys,farmer of Sonquasdoordrift, Riebeeckwes, Cape (1794 - 1857) |  |
Johannes Petrus du Toit, farmer of Paardeberg, Swartland, Cape (1785 - 1836) |
 | Jacobus Hendrik Smit, farmer of Kleinevaley, Swartland, Cape (1760 - 1834) |  |
The Van
Wijk family, and the allied families of Putter, Krugel and Feyt, of Piketberg: the early Cape generations

by Richard Ball, with some notes on the first Van Wijks |  |
van Staden, farmer
of Drakenstein
(born circa 1638, Haarlem
and died 7 November 1716 Drakenstein) |  | Antonetta Campher
(born at the Cape and died after 1740) and her three husbands, Gerrit van der Swaan, Arij Willemsz van Wijk and Jochem Scholz |  |
Jannetje de Clercq (born Zeeland and died circa 1748 at the Cape) and her two husbands, André Gauch and Pieter Bekker | |  |  |
| |
Adriaan Andries Louw, farmerof Swartland, (1798-1847) |  | Floris
Slabbert, farmer, of Contermans Kloof, Tijgersberg
(1656-c.1732) |  | Regina Barbara van
Billion, Versailles,
died after 1797 |  | Daniel Zaaijman
of Mauritius and Cape Town, born Flushing, died circa December 1714 at the Cape |  | Hendrik
de Vries, burger of Cape Town(born 1676 Amsterdam and died1744 at the Cape) |  | Barent
farmer, of Leeuwensjagt and Landeskroon, Paarl Diamant, (died c. 1705) |  | Andries
Pieter Lombard,
farmer of Leliefontein, Malmesbury, (1807-1886) |  | Jacob
stonemason of Cape Town, (1668-1723) |  | Adriana Tol (born Delft 1656) and her ancestors |  |
Jan Robberts (1704-1758) and his wife Anna Sophia Horsel (died 1758) of Cape Town. |  |
Laurens Gabrielsz Bastroo of Mauritius and his wife Magdalena Martinus (died 1708) |  | |  |
| |
Henry James Adkins, farmer of Fort Jackson, Eastern Cape, born Ash, Kent 1827 and died Fort Jackson, Eastern Cape 1914 |  | Herbert
Saddleton Ball, station master, born Burwell, Cambridgeshire 1861 and died Cape Town 1935 |  | William
Simpson, surgeon of Tulbagh, Cape , born Larne, Ireland 1809 and died Tulbagh 1863

contributions from Andrew McMurray |  | Coenraad
Hendrik Feijt, soldier, of Oude Wijnberg, (1683-1727) |  | Claas
farmer (1705)
of Stellenbosch
died circa 1713 |  | Schalk
Willemsz van der Merwe
of De Hoop, and
later Wittenberg, Drakenstein (1673-c.1739) |  | Hendrik Willemsz:
van der
of Overveen and Bloemendaal, Drakenstein
Heemraad at Drakenstein
(died 1762) |  | Marie
le Febre
(born circa 1651, Marcq, near Calais, died circa April 1701) and her four husbands. |  | |  | |  | |  | |  | | |  |
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