Pieter Theron
of Le Rhone, Land van Waveren 1
born 10 August 1709 2
baptized 22 September 1709, Drakenstein 3
died 1778 4
married (1) 19 April 1732 5
 Johanna Pretorius born 1713


married (2) 29 January 1741 10
 Anna du Plessis Notes: | she retained control of the farm Le Rhone after her husband's death in 1778, handing it over in 1785 to her son Gabriel Theron for 6,500 guilders
 (info: The Seclued Valley, by Boseken and Cairns) |
| | children of Pieter Theron and Johanna Pretorius | |
| | Pieter Lodewyk Theron born 1733 baptized 25 October 1733 6 married (1) 15 March 1761 Anna Bockelenberg married (2) 10 April 1773 8 Johanna Wilhelmina Maasdorp 7 1749-after 1802 born 1749 baptized 6 July 1749 died after 14 February 1802, (witness at the baptism of her grandson, Petrus Lodewicus du Toit, Tulbagh) 9
 Notes: from Geslagsregister - not actually stated under the Maasdorps that she married Pieter Lodewyk Theron but the parents names appear in her children.
| 10 other Children |
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