Information supplied by Alan Lewis
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List of people in the Australian Fysh family tree

231 individuals, 78 families, 73 surnames

Abela, Shirley Ann (private) 
Allan, John Riley (born 1867) 
Andrews, Brooke (private) 
Andrews, Gail Suzanne (private) 
Andrews, Kenneth (private) 
Andrews, Kenneth Peter (private) 
Bendle, Alexander (private) 
Bendle, Amanda Jane (private) 
Bendle, Arthur Dobinson (1883-1960) 
Bendle, Charles (1841-1908) 
Bendle, Charles Robert (1879-1896) 
Bendle, Christopher Scott (private) 
Bendle, Christopher Stephen (private) 
Bendle, David  
Bendle, Frederick Charles Harold (1906-1998) 
Bendle, Gary (private) 
Bendle, Geoffrey Wayne (1966-2002) 
Bendle, Harold Scotby (1882-1932) 
Bendle, Herbert Scotby (1909-1984) 
Bendle, Ivy Jean (born 1917) 
Bendle, Jennifer Maree (private) 
Bendle, Joyce (1913-1989) 
Bendle, Laurie  
Bendle, Lesley Wade Lorraine (1916-1993) 
Bendle, Margaret (1931-1976) 
Bendle, Michael  
Bendle, Molly-Jane (private) 
Bendle, Norma Betty (1921-1980) 
Bendle, Rae Lorna (private) 
Bendle, Robert  
Bendle, Robin Harold (private) 
Bendle, Roger Frederick (private) 
Bendle, Stanley (born 1912) 
Bendle, Stephen Rodney (private) 
Bendle, Timothy Stephen (private) 
Bendle, Tracy-Anne (private) 
Bendle, Una Eva (born 1915) 
Bendle, Una Mary (born 1913) 
Bendle, Una Mary Elizabeth (born 1881) 
Bendle, Vanessa Kate (private) 
Bendle, William Fredrick (private) 
Bennett, Sandra Gwendolyn (private) 
Bergamin, Bryce (private) 
Bergamin, Isabella (private) 
Bergamin, Luigi (private) 
Bishop, Lesley  
Bourne, Arthur John (born 1905) 
Bourne, Julie Anne (private) 
Bourne, Michelle Marie (private) 
Bourne, Peter Arthur (private) 
Bourne, Simone Frances (private) 
Bourne, Vanessa Una Mary (private) 
Burke, Robert James (private) 
Cartwright, Florence Doreen (born 1909) 
Caruana, Kate Louise (private) 
Caruana, Michael Stuart (private) 
Caruana, Walter (private) 
Cecchetto, Emily Amber (private) 
Cecchetto, Luke John (private) 
Cecchetto, Michael Bruno (private) 
Cecchetto, Paul Damien (private) 
Cecchetto, Peter Bruno (private) 
Cecchetto, Samantha May (private) 
Cecchetto, Sienna Rose (private) 
Clark, Benjamin James (private) 
Clark, Emma Kate (private) 
Clark, Martin John (private) 
Clements, Craig (private) 
Clements, Deborah  
Cooke, Melinda Faye (private) 
Cooper, Mitchell Bourne (private) 
Cooper, Ross D  
Coppin, Laura Isabel (1885-1970) 
Dawson, Norma  
Dellow, Deborah  
Dellow, Glenn  
Dellow, Nicholas (private) 
Dickinson, Stanley Whitla (born 1918) 
Dowling, Annette Carmel Elizabeth (private) 
Ferns, Allyce Peta (private) 
Ferns, Dennis (private) 
Ferns, Nicholas John (private) 
Ferreri, Luca Anthony (private) 
Ferreri, Paul Anthony (private) 
Ferreri, Sophia Louise (private) 
Flowerday, Ben (private) 
Flowerday, George Frederick (1912-2004) 
Flowerday, Glen (private) 
Flowerday, Laura (private) 
Flowerday, Leanne (private) 
Flowerday, Mark (private) 
Flowerday, Robyn (private) 
Flowerday, Ross (private) 
Foster, Amanda Mary (private) 
Foster, Benjamin Shane (private) 
Foster, Clare Maree (private) 
Foster, Jack (1917-1983) 
Foster, Jessica Kate (private) 
Foster, John Dennis (private) 
Foster, Mark (private) 
Foster, Nicholas John (private) 
Foster, Shane Michael (private) 
Foster, Sharon (private) 
Fysh, Elizabeth (born 1864) 
Fysh, Horatio (1818-1879) 
Fysh, Mary (1855-1922) 
Gales, Netta (private) 
Gamble, Vonnie-Mary (private) 
Garrett, Sandra Joan (private) 
Goodwin, Ollie  
Gordon, James Ronald (private) 
Gordon, Lloyd Lewis (private) 
Gordon, Shadere Elise (private) 
Greenwood, Ellen Mary (1888-1937) 
Gysborts, Jacquelyn (private) 
Henderson, Belinda Jane (private) 
Hill, Craig (private) 
Keenan, Brian  
Keenan, Darren  
Keenan, Dennis  
Keenan, Marjory Una (1911-1979) 
Keenan, Maureen  
Keenan, Michael  
Keenan, Michael (born circa 1880) 
Keenan, Mikayla  
Keenan, Owen  
Keenan, Phyllis  
Keenan, Robert  
Keenan, Robert  
Keenan, Sheila Margaret (1916-1989) 
Keenan, Una  
Kennedy, Maureen Susan (private) 
Kroll, Monica  
Langridge, Patricia Anne (private) 
Lawler, Tommy  
Lewis, Alan Leslie (private) 
Lewis, Barbara Ruth (private) 
Lewis, Grant Ashley (private) 
Lewis, Isobel Mary (private) 
Lewis, Janeene Louise (private) 
Limbek, Shirley (private) 
Lisle, Daphne Florence  
Martin, Jenny  
Mastrantonio, Erberto (1949-1997) 
Mastrantonio, Marcello John (private) 
McInroy, David John (private) 
McInroy, Jack Boundry (private) 
McInroy, Jane Louise (private) 
McInroy, Jo-Anne (private) 
McInroy, Kristie Lee (private) 
McInroy, Michael David (private) 
McInroy, Michelle Helen (private) 
McInroy, Stephen Charles (1953-1956) 
McKay, Belinda (private) 
McKay, Carol Joyce (born and died 1949) 
McKay, Christine (private) 
McKay, Danielle Patricia (private) 
McKay, David Gordon (private) 
McKay, Deborah Anne (private) 
McKay, Dianne Joy (private) 
McKay, Donald Stanley (private) 
McKay, Gary Neil (1962-2006) 
McKay, Gordon James (born 1902) 
McKay, Graeme (private) 
McKay, Ian (private) 
McKay, James Arthur Gordon (private) 
McKay, Jarrod (private) 
McKay, Jayden James (private) 
McKay, Jennifer Lynne (private) 
McKay, Jonothon (private) 
McKay, Julie Anne (private) 
McKay, Larissa (private) 
McKay, Linda Jane (private) 
McKay, Neil George (private) 
McKay, Peter (private) 
McKay, Peter James (private) 
McKay, Richard (private) 
McKay, Richard Arthur (private) 
McKay, Robyn (private) 
McKay, Sarah (private) 
McKay, Steed (private) 
McKay, Wendy Denise (private) 
McMullin, Dana Michelle (private) 
McMullin, Darren (private) 
McMullin, Madeleine Kaye (private) 
Mottershead, Kevin  
Munday, Christina (private) 
O'Brien, Pamela  
Oakey, Elise Maree (private) 
Oakey, Matthew Peter (private) 
Oakey, Nicholas James (private) 
Oakey, Peter Barr  
Panagopoulos, Andrew-James (private) 
Panagopoulos, Angelo (private) 
Panagopoulos, Kristian-Lee (private) 
Panagopoulos, Nicholas-Jon (private) 
Peters, Jo-Anne (private) 
Petit, Elizabeth (born 1831) 
Porter, Jeanette Dorothy (private) 
Safi, Reed (private) 
Schutt, Patricia Ruth  
Seevaratnam, Suthagar (private) 
Sharpe, Jan  
Sheppard, Moira Frances (private) 
Showers, Brooke Sarah (private) 
Showers, Phillip Robert (private) 
Showers, Rachel Anne (private) 
Smyth, Kathleen Bridget (private) 
Stanley, Gudrun  
Sutherland, Helen (private) 
Suttie, Adrian David (private) 
Suttie, Cameron John (private) 
Suttie, Jason Andrew (private) 
Suttie, Lachlan David (private) 
Suttie, Nathan James (private) 
Suttie, Raymond Arthur (private) 
Treacy, Mary (private) 
Turner, Faye Lillian (private) 
Ukn, Evelyn  
Ukn, Heather  
Ukn, Lilly  
Ukn, Maude  
Ukn, Vera  
Walsh, Faye Ruby (1910-1991) 
Wardle, Stephen John (private) 
Wickholm, Markus  
Wilkinson Hill, Kylie Renee (private) 
Wilkinson Hill, Laura Jane (private) 
Wilkinson Hill, Stephanie Rose (private) 

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small blue numbers provide the source of the fact to which they are attached
all material on this page copyright Richard Ball 2015
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