10 Cape Muster Rolls - Free persons 1660 onwards, copied from the original records in the Ryksarchief, The Hague, by GM Theal, Cape Archives, VC 39 and VC 49 VC 49, page 194, 1700, Stellenbosch Hendrik Loots &Lijsbeth Jansz
Cape Muster Rolls - Free persons 1660 onwards, copied from the original records in the Ryksarchief, The Hague, by GM Theal, Cape Archives, VC 39 and VC 49 VC 39, volume 1, page 179, Stellenbosch Elisabeth Jansz van de Caab wed. de Jonker 3k.
Will - Loots, Hendrik and Lijsbeth Janz: - 1728, dated 28th May 1726 and filed 21st November 1727, Cape Archives, 1STB 18/5, 30 and MOOC 7/1/4, 35 Hendrik Loots uijt Munsterland oud 67 jaaren, en Lijsbeth Jansz: van Cabo de Goede Hoop, egte luijden |