Maria Magdalena Basson 1
born 20 January 1773 2
died 21 February 1847, at Mr Andries Pieter Lombard at the place called Leliefontein at Riebeek Kasteel, Malmesbury District 3
 | Notes: | The details of her family come from her own death notice, which was filed on 24th Marcy 1847 by her son-in-law, Andries Pieter Lombard.
 She, with her husband, was a witness at the baptism of her grandson, Jacobus Johannes Lombard, the son of her daughter Sophia Johanna, at Swartland on 7th July 1839. |
| | children of Maria Magdalena Basson and Jacobus Johannes Lombard | |
| | Martha Katharina Lombard
 Notes: She was a witness at the baptism of her nephew, Hendrik Jacobus Johannes Lombard at Swartland on 7th October 1849 and again on 24th September 1854 at the baptism of her niece, Martha Katharina Lombard. On both occasions she is named after Hendrik Jacobus Johannes Lombard, apparently her husband.
 married Hendrik Lombard 4 |
| Jacobus Johannes Lombard
 Notes: On the 19th September 1841 at Swartland, he was a witness to the baptism of his nephew, Christoffel Lombard, son of his sister Sophia Johanna Lombard.
| Maria Christoffelina Lombard
 Notes: On the 19th September 1841 at Swartland, she was a witness to the baptism of her nephew, Christoffel Lombard, son of her sister Sophia Johanna Lombard.
 And on the 5th May 1844, also at Swartland, she was a witness, along with her husband, Petrus Gerhardus Laubscher, at the baptism of her nephew Johannes Gerhardus Lombard.
 married Petrus Gerhardus Loubser 5 |
| Jan Lombard
 Notes: On the 5th May 1844, at Swartland, he was a witness, along with what would appear to be his wife, Anna Maria du Toit, at the baptism of his nephew Johannes Gerhardus Lombard.
| Sophia Johanna Lombard 1811-1855 born 8 August 1811 died 11 August 1855, on her farm, Leliefontein, Riebeekskasteel, Malmesbury married 6 September 1835 Swartland Andries Pieter Lombard 6 1807-1886 farmer (1834) of Leliefontein, Malmesbury |
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