1 Stellenbosch Notarial Archives 1 STB 18/152, 13 May 1689 On today the 13 May 1689 ... the honourable Catrijn Cloeten ... declaring ... that she, the attestator, during the pregnancy of Maria Kickers (now four years in the past) from the mouth of the aforesaid Maria Kickers had heard, that the child with which she was pregnant, did not belong to her husband Jan Cornelis but to Frederik Boot ... In similar fashion was declared by Beatrix Gijsberts declaring that at this same time the 11 August 1685 (it was a Sunday to the attestator's best knowledge) likewise from the aforesaid Maria Kickers to have heard, that Frederick Boot had known her, and that she from that time on had become pregnant ...
Resolutions of the Council of Policy of the Cape of Good Hope, http://www.tanap.net/content/activities/resolutions_CapeOfGoodHope/, Cape Archives C. 47, pp. 32-42, Dingsdagh den 13e September 1718, voormiddags Volgens extract uijt de leeningh rollen zouden d’ ondergesche. uijt dien hoofde aan d’ E. Compe. nogh ten agteren zijn de daar voor g’extraheerde sommen, namentlijk: ... f 81:05:- Jan Conelisz. van oud Beijerland, wiens wede., door de wandelingh Maria Bombam [6] gent., in leeven en desselfs dogter getrouwt is met Jan Barentsz. Siger, [7] als mede nogh drie sonen, Theunis, Jacobus en Willem Bota.
Estate Accounts - De Savoije, Maria Theresia - 1742 daarnaar de kinderen van den oudheemraad Theunis Bota, ... bij rep[resen]tatie van hunlieder moeder Maria Magdalena Snijman
Will - Botha, Theunis &Maria Catharin van Eeden - 1735, dated 16th July 1735, filed 26 July 1746, Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/7, 8 Den heemraad en Captn. der burgerij alhier Monsr. Theu,, nis Bota, van Cabo De Goede Hoop |