Barent Burger 1
farmer 2
of Rodesant 3
born 1692, at the Cape 4
baptized 7 September 1692, Cape Town 5
died before 29 May 1729, (date of inventory) 6
 | Notes: | I have assumed that he is the same Barend Burger who was baptised at Cape Town in 1692. See my notes on the Burger siblings.
 In the Opgaaf return for 1709 he appears for the first time as an individual, owning a horse, two guns and a knife (degen). He would have been 17.
 In 1724 He was given permission to use 'the farm Twee Jonge Gezellen for a period of one year'. This permission was renewd annualy until 1728 and he and his family apparently lived here until his death in 1729 and his wife seems to have continued on the farm until 1741 when it it is believed it was granted to Jacobus du Preez, or the latter may, indeed, have been running it in her name prior to this. After his death it was taken over by Jan Gysbert Olivier, who married du Preez's widow. (But see also my note against Margaretha Pasman)
 (From: The Secluded Valley, by Anna Boeseken and Margaret Cairns, Perskor, Cape Town, 1989. Page 93 - information based on records of the Receiver of Land Revenue, RLR 6, 6.2.1724, no.19 and 10, 9.5.1741, page 294)
 The family has been reconstructed from the Inventory drawn up after his death in 1729 and the marriage and baptismal records of Cape Town, Stellenbosch and Drakenstein Congregations. |
married 31 July 1712 at Stellenbosch 7
 Margareta Pasman born circa 1688

| | children of Barent Burger and Margareta Pasman | |
| | Barent Burger 1712-before 1716 born 1712 8 baptized 9 September 1712, Stellenbosch 9 died before 1716 10
 Notes: He presumably died before 1716 when another child was baptised Barent.
| Willem Burger 1714-after 1748 born 1714 11 baptized 14 October 1714, Drakenstein 12 died after 1748 13
 Notes: He was still living in September 1729 when he is listed as one of the heirs of his late father in the Inventory signed 12 September 1729.
 There are opgaaf returns for him dated 1731 (named as Willem Burger j[unio]r, 1738 and 1741 (named as Willem Burger B[arend]zoon) in all of which he is listed as a single man with a horse two guns and blade (degen). There is no listing after that date (computerised opgawen)
 According to the CD Changing Hands produced by Robert Shell, Cape Archives: 1 STB 13/31 pg 25-55 (Miscellaneious Military Records), lists him as a single man living with Margareta Pasman, widow (his mother). This transcribed information seems to have been forced into an unsuitable database format and comes with no key or explanation. It is, therefore, rather confusing as evidence, but my guess is that this is what is meant by that entry.
| Fredrik Burger 1714-1745 born 1714 14 baptized 14 October 1714, Drakenstein 15 died 21 September 1745, Tulbagh 16
 Notes: He was still living in September 1729 when he is listed as one of the heirs of his late father in the Inventory signed 12 September 1729.
| Barent Burger 1716-before 1719 born 1716 17 baptized 27 September 1716, Drakenstein 18 died before 1719, (probably) 19 |
| Cornelia Burger born circa 1719 married 19 February 1736 Drakenstein Jan Lodwyk Bouwer |
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