Information supplied by Richard Ball
Main page with list of families in this web site|  | The surnames in the Van Wijk, Krugel, Feijt and Putter family tree  | The names of the people in the Van Wijk, Krugel, Feijt and Putter family  | The sources from which the Van Wijk, Krugel, Feijt and Putter information is drawn  | 

Sources used to compile this family tree

Acte van Kinderbewijs - Johann Terje wed Pienaar - 1735
Dated 17th June 1735
Cape Archives,MOOC 12/1, 27
Acte van Kinderbewijs - Van Wijk, Jacoba wed. Mijntjes van den Berg - 1764
Dated 7th March 1764
Cape Archives,MOOC 12/3, 52
Amsterdam - retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand
Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand), Huwelijksintekeningen van de Kerk, DTB 495, p.303, kindly supplied by Corney Keller
Cape Archives online Index - NAAIRS
Cape Death Notifications 1758-1838
photographed at the Cape Archives
Cape Archives,MOOC 6/1, 6/2 and 6/3
Cape Muster Rolls of free settlers 1660 - 1725
Cape Archives,VC 39 and VC 41
Cape Town Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696
Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603,, South African Transcripts as transcribed by Richard Ball and Corney Keller
Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1 1/1.
Church Registers - Amsterdam, Nieuwe Kerk
Transcript by Corney Keller
Church Registers - Amsterdam. Oude Kerk
Information kndly supplied by Corney Keller, Stadsarchief Amsterdam, 5001: Archief van de Burgerlijke Stand: doop-, trouw- en begraafboeken van Amsterdam (retroacta van de Burgerlijke Stand), inventarisnummer 971 “Trouwregisters van de Oude Kerk
Church Registers - Cape Town Congregation
consulted in the form of an LDS microfilm and V603, photocopy of the original
Cape Archives (original in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Argiewe, Stellenbosch),VC 603k 604, 604, 605, 606
Church Registers - Drakenstein Congregation
Cape Archives,VC 644, VC 654
Church Registers - Drakenstein Congregation - Membership Register
In: The French Refugees at the Cape, by Colin Graham Botha, Cape Times Ltd., Cape Town, 1919.
Church Registers - Graaff Reinet
Pretoria Archives,FK 2215, FK 2216, FK 2226
Church Registers - Guines, near Calais
Church Registers - Stellenbosch Congregation
Consulted as microfilm at the LDS and as Palmkronieke facsimile
Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, Stellenbosch,G2/7/1 marriages 1700-1786;
Church Registers - Swartland Congregation
microfilm of the original registers, Latter Day Saints, also Cape Archives VC666
Consulted at the Norwich Latter Day Saints Family History Centre,VC666, VC 667
Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation
Cape Archives,VC 657
Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation - Deaths
Het Boek der gestorvene persoonen In't land van Waveren
Cape Archives,VC 665
Contract - Conrad Heinrich Viedt to Andries Bruijns - 1708
Contract - Goorsen, Cornelis and Marcus Fick - 1696
, Dated 2 August 1696
Cape Archives,CJ 2872, 135
Death Notice - Gerrit van Wyk - 1835
Dated 16 February 1835 and filed 20 February 1835
Cape Archives,MOOC 6/9/4, 630
Death Notice - Lombard, Andries Pieter - 1886
Death Notice - Pienaar, Johanna Catharina, wed. Kotze - 1834
signed Petrus Johannes Kotzje, Graaf Reinet July 29 1834
MOOC 6/9/3, 536
Death Notice - Van Wijk Martha Elisabeth
Dated 27 August 1838
Cape Archives,MOOC 6/9/13, 2912
Estate Accounts - Basson, Arnoldus Johannes - 1742-44
Estate Accounts - Basson, Matthijs Michiels - 1775-1776
dated 8th July 1776 (date of sale of goods 6th November 1775)
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/9
Estate Accounts - Bockelenberg, Petronella - 1720
Estate Accounts - Bocklenbergh, Johannes - 1708-11
Estate Accounts - Bocklenbergh, Johannes - 1715
Estate Accounts - Datis, Cicilia - dated 23 Set 1723
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/2, 7
Estate Accounts - De Jong, Barbara - 1736-1738
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/3,9
Estate Accounts - Fourie, Sara wed Adriaan van Wijk 1771-2
Estate Accounts - Kervel, Burgert - 1774-1775
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/9, 5
Estate Accounts - Koekemoer, Diederik - 1793
Dated 30 January 1793
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/18, 15
Estate Accounts - Koekemoer, Diederik Johannes - c 1794
accounts dated 31st May 1794, earliest date in accounts is 12 April 1793
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/20, 10
Estate Accounts - Monk, Hendrina
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/7, 31
Estate Accounts - Olivier, Maria Elisabeth widow of Andries Benjamin Lombard - 1832
Estate Accounts - Pienaar, Johanna Catharian wed. Kotze - 1834
Estate Accounts - Putter, Diederik 1714-1716
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/1, 86
Estate Accounts - Scholts, Jochem - 1738
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/3, 16
Estate Accounts - Van Emmenes, Cornelia - 1770
Dated 31 August 1770
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/7, 46
Estate Accounts - Van Wijk, Gerrit Ariesz: - 1787
Estate Accounts - Van Wijk, Maria wife of CJStriegel - 1745
Estate Accounts - Van Wijk, Willem Arijsz: - 6 May 1775
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/9, 4
Estate Accounts - Van Wijk, Willem Willemsz: - 1756
Estate Accounts - Van Wijk, Willem d'oude - 21 October 1772
Estate Accounts - Vivie, Abram - 1714
Estate Accounts - Vivie, Isack - 1733
Estate Accounts - Wendels, Elisabeth - 1719
Cape Archives,MOOC 13/1/2, 20
Estate Accounts - Zaaijman, Daniel - 1714
Geslagsregiter van die Ou Kaapse Families
by C.C.de Villiers and C.Pama, A.A.Balkema, 1966
Inventory - Amijn, Christoffel - 1723
Dated 9th April 1723
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/4, 42
Inventory - Basson, Arnoldus Johannes - 1742
dated 25 September 1742
Cape Archives via TANAP,MOOC8/6, 88
Inventory - Bezuijdenhoud, Aletta nag. wed van Roeloff van Wijk - 1746
Inventory - Campher, Johanna Catharina - 2 May 1746
Inventory - Datis, Cicilia Datis - 4 December 1720
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002
MOOC 8/4, 64
Inventory - De Peronne, Louis - 1697
Inventory - Du Pree, Hercules - 1696
Dated 22 November 1696
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/1, 19
Inventory - Eekhof, Heinrich - 1692
Cape Archives
Inventory - Fouche, Esther - 1697
MOOC 8/5/1, 30
Inventory - Hillebrants, Trijntjen, en nagelate man Willem van Wijk - 10 March 1695
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/1, 12
Inventory - Knoetsen, Cornelis - 1716
Dated 2 June 1716
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/3, 22
Inventory - Koekemoer, Jochem 1773
dated 19 March 1773
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/14, 47
Inventory - Lafeber, Maria - 12 May 1701
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002
page 50,MOOC 8/1, 64
Inventory - Monk, Anna - 1767
Dated 7 October 1767
Cape Archives (via TANAP Cape Inventories),MOOC 8/12, 29
Inventory - Monk, Hendrina - 1767
Dated 11 July 1767
Cape Archives (via TANAP Cape Inventories),MOOC8/13, 27
Inventory - Ockers, Cornelis - 1714
dated 16 October 1714
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/2, 119
Inventory - Olivier, Jan Hendrik - 1798
Inventory - Putter, Aaltie - 5 Oct 1715
Inventory - Putter, Diederik - 13th May 1699
Inventory - Rabe, Christiaan - 1733
page 374
Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806 verwerk deur Annemarie Krzesinski-de Widt,MOOC 8/5 7/16
Inventory - Ras, Maria wed. Hedrik Krugel 1734
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/5, 117
Inventory - Smit, Anna - 1754
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002, Dated 12 April 1754
page 702,MOOC 8/8,24
Inventory - Smit, Erasmus - 1771
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002, Dated 10 July 1771
page 902,MOOC 8/14, 15
Inventory - Van Staden, Maria, wed. Lambert Engels - 1723
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002
MOOC 8/4/84
Inventory - Van Wijk, Anna and Isaak Nieuwoudt
undated, but filed with other inventories filed between 1725 and 1737
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/5/81
Inventory - Van Wijk, Arij - 1731
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/5, 40
Inventory - Van Wijk, Catharina - 1747
Dated 20 May 1746
TANAP web site,MOOC 8/6
Inventory - Van Wijk, Gerbrecht - 1760
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002
page 716,MOOC 8/10, 22
Inventory - Van Wijk, Gerrit - 29 May 1787
Inventory - Van Wijk, Jacomina - 1770
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002
page 881,MOOC 8/13, 48
Inventory - Van Wijk, Jacomina - 1775
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002
page 955,MOOC 8/15, 30
Inventory - Van Wijk, Maria - 1744
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002
page 520,MOOC 8/6, 93
Inventory - Van Wijk, Willem - 1800
Dated 23 November 1800
Cape Archives (via TANAP Cape Inventories),MOOC8/23, 29
Inventory - Van Wijk, Willem - 25 January 1756
In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002
page 687,MOOC 8/9, 23
Inventory - Van Wijk, Willem Arijsz: - 1774
Inventory - Van den Bosch, Jan 1693
Dated 25 October 1693
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/1, 6
Inventory - Venter, Joachim Marthinus - 1809
dated 4 Jannuarij 1809
Cape Archives via TANAP,MOOC8/28, 8
Inventory - Visser, Zacharia Jansz - April 1722
Inventory - Vivier, Elisabeth - 1730
Inventory - Wagenaar, Johanna Elisabeth - 1784
Dated 9 September 1784
Cape Archives,MOOC 8/49 57
Malan, Ockert - Verlore Dokumentasie oor die Gemeente Stellenbosch van 1689 tot 1725
In: Capensis, June 2001, issue 2 of 2001, pp 36-41
Muster Rolls of the free burghers at the Cape
Muster rolls of Freemen at the Cape 1660 onwards
Cape Archives,VC39, 49
Muster rolls of the Company Employees at the Cape
National Cultural History Museum Pretoria - Koekemoer Bible
National Cultural History Museum no HC 20
eGGSA Download Librrary,HG 20
Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696
South African Transcripts as transcribed by Richard Ball and Corney Keller
Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696.,Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1 1/1.
Opgaaf (tax) rolls of Freemen at the Cape
University of the Western Cape Computer reduction
Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806
Hoge, Dr. J., Archives Year Book for South African History, 1947
Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope, Letters Despatched, 1695-1708
Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope, Letters Received, 1695-1708
by HCV Leibbrandt, 1898
Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope, Requesten 1715-1806
by HCV Leibbrandt, 1905
Provision for children of her former husband - Provo, Maria - 1740
Dated 21 October 1740
Cape Archives,CJ 2656, 24
Receiver of Land Revenue
Resolusies van die Politieke Raad 1794
Resolutions of the Council of Policy of Cape of Good Hope
Cape Archives
Scholtz, J A (Bertus) - Stamvader Joachim SCHOLTZ
Stellenbosch Notarial Archive
Cape Archives,1 STB 18
Stellenbosch Notarial Archive - part 6, declarations 1706-1708
Cape Archives,1 STB 18/155
Uitgevaren Voor de Kamers
web site
Upham, Mansell - information by email
Vrijboek 1681
Transcribed by Corney Keller.
Het Nationaal Archief, Den Haag,VOC inventory 4017 Ingekomen Stukken (1681-1682)
Weeskamer - Notullenboek
Cape Archives,MOOC 1
Weeskamer Notulen Boek
Cape Archives,MOOC 1
Weesmeesteren - extracten 1699 enz.
Cape Archives,MOOC 5/1, page 7
Will - Feijt, Maria - 1804
Will - Basson, Matthys Michiel & Maria Feijt - 1780
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/49, 48
Will - Bokkelbergh, Johannes & Johanna van den Bosch - 1707
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/1,59
Will - Coster, Maria - 4 Feb 1729
Cape Archives,CJ 2653, 47
Will - Eekhof, Mathijs - 1720
Will - Feijt, Coenraad Hendrik & Barbara Krugel - 1786
Will - Feijt, Coenraad Hendrik & Maria Coster 1722
Cape Archives,CJ 2602, 3
Will - Feijt, Hendrik Albert - 1797
Dated 11 November 1797 and filed 1 February 1798
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/42, 7
Will - Feijt, Maria - 1804
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/50, 49 - filed 7 May 1805
Will - Helmes, Cornelia and Jacob Coetser - 1720
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/2,123
Will - Kotze, Louis and Johanna Catharian Pienaar - 1802
Dated 23 December 1802 and filed 7 December 1814
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/68, 98
Will - Kotze, Louis and Maria Elisabeth van Wijk - 1805
Dated 29th January 1805 and filed [1st] July 1807
Cape Archives,7/1/54, 13
Will - Krugel, Andries & Maria Ras 1734
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/5, 47
Will - Krugel, Hendrik & Maria van der Swaan - 1740
Cape Archives,CJ 2656, 10 - filed 7 Aug 1769
Will - Krugel, Hendrik & Maria van der Swaan - 1765
Will - Lombard, Andries Benjamin & Elisabeth Maria Olivier 1814
Will - Louw, Jacobus & Barbara Bokkelberg - 1801
Dated 16 Oct 1801
Cape Archives,NCD 1/7, 618
Will - Louw, Wijnand and Cecilia Marseveen - 1741
will dated 1st January 1741 and filed 8th June 1759
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/11, 27
Will - Opperman, Godlieb Christiaan & Maria Koster 1731
Will - Putter, Anna Elisabeth & Andries Pieter van Wyk - 1807
Will - Putter, Johannes Diederik & Catharina Elisabeth van Wijk 1764
Cape Archives,CJ 2667, 13 and MOOC 7/1/37,44
Will - Putter, Johannes Diederik & Catharina Elisabeth van Wijk, 1782
Will - Putter, Johannes Lodewijk & Anna van der Swaan 1764
Will - Stapper, Cornelis & Maria van Wyk - 1724
Dated 18 September 1724 and filed 8 July 1744
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/6, 133
Will - Van Wijk, Arij & Cornelia Helmes - 1713
Cape Archives,1 STB 18/3,22
Will - Van Wijk, Catharina Elisabeth wed. Johannes D. Putter - 1801 and 1808
Will - Van Wijk, Christoffel Ariesz & Sophia Kampfer - 1764
Will - Van Wijk, Gerrit & Geesie Helena Botha - 1801
Cape Archives
Will - Van Wijk, Gerrit & Maria Magdalena Eekhof - 1765
Will - Van Wijk, Gerrit & Maria Magdalena Eekhof - 1775
Will - Van Wijk, Gerrit & Maria Provo - 1731
Will - Van Wijk, Gerrit and Martha Smit - 1787
Dated 30 January 1787 and filed 25 January 1797
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/41,5 and a half
Will - Van Wijk, Maria wed Cornelis Stapper - 1755
Dated 15 December 1755 and filed 8 February 1773
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/20, 32
Will - Van Wijk, Willem Willemse and Cornelia Koekemoer - 1776
Dated 20 March 1776
Cape Archives,CJ2630, 22
Will - Van Wyk, Gerrit and Martha Elisabeth van Wyk - 1834
Dated 31 October 1834 and filed 20 Feb 1835
Cape Archives,MOOC 7/1/128, 87
Will - Van der Swaan, Anna 1774
Will - Van der Swaan, Maria wed. Hendrik Krugel - 1769
Will - Visser, Zacharia Jansz & Andries Krugel 1713
Dated 24 June 1713 and proved 21 November 1721
Cape Archives,1 STB/18/3, 27 and MOOC 7/1/3, 29
Will - Vivie, Abraham - 1741
Will - Wernich, Joachim J.L. Wernich and Anna Catharinan Koekemoer - 1764
Dated 18th December 1764 and filed 12th March 1777
MOOC 7/1/24, 14

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all material on this page copyright Richard Ball 2016
The names of the people in the Van Wijk, Krugel, Feijt and Putter family   |  The surnames in the Van Wijk, Krugel, Feijt and Putter family tree  |   The sources from which the Van Wijk, Krugel, Feijt and Putter information is drawn |  Search for a name |  
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