Dr Hoge, in Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, assigns to her the baptism in Drakenstein, 5 August 1706, but there is, in fact, no child's name attached to this entry: 5e Augustij, d'Vader Andries Orselke, en de'Moeder Christina Bastiaanz; getuygen Francois Bastiaans, en Anne Marie
When, on 18 February 1758, the inventory was drawn up of the goods left by the deceased Anna Sophia Horsel, the couple was living in a rented house, place not stated, and their belongings were few but sufficient, including three slaves, the total valuation coming to 330 rixdalers after deduction of debts. Jan Robbertsz, presumably unable to write his name, signed the valuation by adding his mark to the document. |