email: Richard Ball
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List of people in the Stanbinorth family tree

176 individuals, 52 families, 38 surnames

Atye, Joan  
Ball, Mary (1625-circa 1653) 
Barley, Ursula  
Boroughe, Elizabeth  
Bossom, Grimbald (born 1588) 
Bossom, Harry (born 1580) 
Bossom, Richard  
Bossom, William (born 1577) 
Bull, John (born circa 1580) 
Bursse, Abraham  
Chambers, Ann (born 1610) 
Chambers, Cuthbert  
Chambers, Elizabeth (born 1607) 
Chambers, John (born 1614) 
Choule, John  
Clevett, Ane. (born 1636) 
Clevett, Joan (born 1639) 
Clevett, John  
Clevett, John (born 1630) 
Clevett, John (born 1633) 
Clevett, Margery (born 1632) 
Clevett, Margery (born 1643) 
Clevett, Mary (born 1634) 
Clevett, Mary (born 1647) 
Collins, Ann  
Cresie, Alice  
Dennys, Alice (died 1591) 
Druicker, Alice  
Ellis, Mary  
Ellis, Mary  
Enernden, Mary  
Fowxe, Margaret (died 1585) 
Gawne, Elizabeth (born 1568) 
Gawyn, William , sailor, of Hastings 
Nicholas, Robert (born 1654) 
Nicholas, Thomas  
Nicolas, Martha (died 1700) 
Randole, Mary  
Rogerson, Joanna (1577-1649) 
Sadler, Elizabeth (died 1575) 
Staminoth, John (born 1637) 
Stanbinorth, Agnes (born 1582) 
Stanbinorth, Agnes (born and died 1598) 
Stanbinorth, Agnes (born 1600) 
Stanbinorth, Agnes (1617-1661) 
Stanbinorth, Alice (born 1602) 
Stanbinorth, Brigett  
Stanbinorth, Daniell (1604-1605) 
Stanbinorth, Drewgh (born and died 1656) 
Stanbinorth, Elizabeth (born 1583) 
Stanbinorth, Elizabeth (born 1595) 
Stanbinorth, Elizabeth (before 1608-1607) 
Stanbinorth, Elizabeth (born 1620) 
Stanbinorth, Elizabeth (born 1633) 
Stanbinorth, Elizabeth (born and died 1683) 
Stanbinorth, George (circa 1575-circa 1622) 
Stanbinorth, Grace (born 1588) 
Stanbinorth, Grimball (1565-circa 1614), fisherman, of Hastings 
Stanbinorth, Grymbald (died 1574) 
Stanbinorth, Harry (died 1590) 
Stanbinorth, Harry (1571-1590) 
Stanbinorth, Isaac (born 1587) 
Stanbinorth, Issabel (1590-1600) 
Stanbinorth, Joan (died 1579) 
Stanbinorth, Joan (died 1579) 
Stanbinorth, Joan (born 1576) 
Stanbinorth, John (died circa 1594), merchant, of Hastings 
Stanbinorth, John (died 1578) 
Stanbinorth, John  
Stanbinorth, John (died circa 1556) 
Stanbinorth, John (born before 1556) 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1568) 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1575) 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1579) 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1580) 
Stanbinorth, John (born circa 1590) of Ringmer 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1594) 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1597) 
Stanbinorth, John (born and died 1642) 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1643) 
Stanbinorth, John (born and died 1678) 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1678) 
Stanbinorth, John (born 1678) 
Stanbinorth, Joseph  
Stanbinorth, Joseph (born 1674) 
Stanbinorth, Margaret (1580-1581) 
Stanbinorth, Margaret (1604-1670) 
Stanbinorth, Martha (born and died 1681) 
Stanbinorth, Mary (born and died 1591) 
Stanbinorth, Mary (born 1616) 
Stanbinorth, Mary (born 1646) 
Stanbinorth, Mary (1669-1670) 
Stanbinorth, Mary (born 1676) 
Stanbinorth, Paul (1572-1642), fisherman 
Stanbinorth, Peter (1579-circa 1657), fisherman 
Stanbinorth, Peter (1613-before 1651) 
Stanbinorth, Peter (born 1631) 
Stanbinorth, Peter (born 1646) 
Stanbinorth, Peter (circa 1655-1703), baker, of Hastings 
Stanbinorth, Peter (born 1663) 
Stanbinorth, Peter (1676-1678) 
Stanbinorth, Peter (born and died 1679) 
Stanbinorth, Peter (before 1699-1699) 
Stanbinorth, Phelys (born 1575) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (died 1585) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (died 1578) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (born circa 1542) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (1574-1590) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (1583-1584) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (born 1600) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (1615-before 1657) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (1629-1641) 
Stanbinorth, Richard (born and died 1657) 
Stanbinorth, Robert (born 1686) 
Stanbinorth, Tabitha (born 1657) 
Stanbinorth, Theiadoca (born 1633) 
Stanbinorth, Thomas (born and died 1562) 
Stanbinorth, Thomas (born 1591) 
Stanbinorth, Thomas (born 1592) 
Stanbinorth, Thomas (born and died 1640) 
Stanbinorth, Willam (born and died 1585) 
Stanbinorth, William (1595-1596) 
Stanbinorth, William (born and died 1680) 
Stanmer, Hugh (Stamner)  
Stanmer, William (Stamner) (born 1585) 
Stanmer, Winifred (born 1593) 
Stanord, John (born 1569) 
Stanord, William  
Stevenson, William (born circa 1600) 
Stotion, Mary (died 1654) 
Teyeres, Joane (born 1629) 
Teyeres, Margaret (born 1626) 
Teyeres, Thomas (born circa 1595) 
Teyeres, Thomas (born 1624) 
Williams, Ann (born 1614) 
Williams, Bridget (born 1602) 
Williams, John (born 1606) 
Williams, John (born 1612) 
Williams, Lewes  
Williams, Mary (born 1609) 

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small blue numbers provide the source of the fact to which they are attached
all material on this page copyright Richard Ball 2014
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