email: Richard Ball
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unknown Thwaites
unknown Thwaites
Jeremiah Thwaites, in his will of 1711, refers to his 'cousins'
Thomas Thwaites and Mary Sammon and Frances Thwaites,
in her will of 1717, identifies them as brother and sister.


b. c1685


children of unknown and Thwaites

Thomas Thwaites born circa 1685
born circa 1685, (? assumed - age given on marriage licence)
 married 6 May 1708 Stepney, St Dunstan

Mary  1 born circa 1684

Mary Thwaites 2

Notes: She is mentioned in the will of Jeremiah Thwaites (1711) as
Mary Sammon, and in the will of Frances Thwaites (1717) as
'Mrs Mary Salmon, sister of the said Mr Thomas Thwaite'.

She may therefore have been Mary Thwaites, married to an
unknown Salmon, or perhaps a half sister of Thomas Thwaites.

IGI Individual Record FamilySearchâ„¢ International Genealogical Index v5.0
Marriage: 10 FEB 1701 Saint James, Clerkenwell, London, England
Source Information:
Batch No.: M001411 Dates: 1551 - 1754

Christening: 13 DEC 1702 All Hallows Staining, London, London, England
Father: RICHD SALMON Family
Mother: MARY
Source Information:
Batch No.: C040361 1642 - 1812

Birth/Christening, 1700 - 1720, England, British Isles
Father: Richard Salmon, Mother: Mary
International Genealogical Index / British Isles - 10

1. ELIZABETH SALMON - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 07 DEC 1707 All Hallows Staining, London, London, England

2. RICHARD SALMON - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 30 NOV 1720 Saint Katherine Coleman, London, London, England

6. JEREMIAH SALMON - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Male Christening: 13 DEC 1702 All Hallows Staining, London, London, England

7. MARY SALMON - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 05 NOV 1704 All Hallows Staining, London, London, England

8. ANN SAMMON - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 28 OCT 1713 Saint Katherine By The Tower, London, London, England

9. ANN SAMMAN - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Birth: 28 SEP 1718

10. ANN SAMMAN - International Genealogical Index
Gender: Female Christening: 03 OCT 1718 St Ethelburga Bishops Gate, London, London, England

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all material on this page copyright Richard Ball 2009
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