6 Will - Thwaites, Mary, widow - 1803, date 20 January 1803 and proved 4 May 1808 to Thomas Thwaites and John Thwaites, East Sussex Record Office, A70 p.274 I give and devise unto my sons Thomas Thwaites and John Thwaites all that my great warehouse situate in or near the Fish Market in the parish of Saint Clement within the town and port of Hastings aforesaid and now in the tenure ... of my grandson Thomas Thwaites ...
Will - Sargent, Henry - 1769, East Sussex Record Office, W/A 62, p.514 First I give and devise unto my daughter Elizabeth all that my great warehouse situate in the Fishmarket in the parish of Saint Clements in the Town and port of Hasting aforesaid and now in the tenure or occupation of Thomas and Jeremiah Thwaites or one of them their or one of their undertenants or assigns To hold the same unto my said daughter Elizabeth and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and imediately from and after her decease I give and devise the same unto my daughter Mary Thwaites widow her heirs and assigns for ever
Will - Thwaites, Mary, widow - 1803, date 20 January 1803 and proved 4 May 1808 to Thomas Thwaites and John Thwaites, East Sussex Record Office, A70 p.274 I give and devise unto my sons Thomas Thwaites and John Thwaites all that my great warehouse situate in or near the Fish Market in the parish of Saint Clement within the town and port of Hastings aforesaid and now in the tenure ... of my grandson Thomas Thwaites ...
Will - Sargent, Henry - 1769, East Sussex Record Office, W/A 62, p.514 First I give and devise unto my daughter Elizabeth all that my great warehouse situate in the Fishmarket in the parish of Saint Clements in the Town and port of Hasting aforesaid and now in the tenure or occupation of Thomas and Jeremiah Thwaites or one of them their or one of their undertenants or assigns To hold the same unto my said daughter Elizabeth and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and imediately from and after her decease I give and devise the same unto my daughter Mary Thwaites widow her heirs and assigns for ever
Will - Thwaites, Mary, widow - 1803, date 20 January 1803 and proved 4 May 1808 to Thomas Thwaites and John Thwaites, East Sussex Record Office, A70 p.274 I give and devise unto my sons Thomas Thwaites and John Thwaites all that my great warehouse situate in or near the Fish Market in the parish of Saint Clement within the town and port of Hastings aforesaid and now in the tenure ... of my grandson Thomas Thwaites ... |