1 Death Notice - Lombard, Elisabeth Maria Geertruida - 1861 died 16 February 1861 aged 29 years. making her birth date 1831 or 1832
Kok, Andrew - information by email
Death Notice - Lombard, Elisabeth Maria Geertruida - 1861 died 16 February 1861 aged 29 years. making her birth date 1831 or 1832
Church Registers - Swartland Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 666, 667, 668 marriages, no. 310, 1 October 1849 Elizabeth Maria Geertruida Lombard, ouderdom 18 (this would give a birth date of 2 Oct 1830/1 Oct 1831)
Church Registers - Swartland Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 666, 667, 668 baptisms - p. 527 )November 6 gedoopt (1831) Elisabeth Maria Gertruida, geb. 3 Oct. 1831 Oud. Andries Pieter Lombard | Riebeeks Maria Johanna Lombard | Kasteel Get. Elisabeth Maria Olivier Gertruida Maria Smuts Johannes Diederik Slabber Maria Johanna Lombard
Church Registers - Swartland Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 666, 667, 668 marriages, no. 310, 1 October 1849 Elizabeth Maria Geertruida Lombard, ouderdom 18 (this would give a birth date of 2 Oct 1830/1 Oct 1831)
Church Registers - Swartland Congregation, Cape Archives, VC 666, 667, 668 baptisms - p. 527 November 6 gedoopt (1831) Elisabeth Maria Gertruida, geb. 3 Oct. 1831 Oud. Andries Pieter Lombard | Riebeeks Maria Johanna Lombard | Kasteel Get. Elisabeth Maria Olivier Gertruida Maria Smuts Johannes Diederik Slabber Maria Johanna Lombard |