Christoffel Lombard 1
farmer (1772) 2
born 1726 3
baptized 28 April 1726, Drakenstein 4
died circa April 1796 5
 | Notes: | His children are listed as given in the Inventory drawn up after the death of Elsje Botha and dated 24th October 1772, and the Estate Accounts drawn up after his own death in 1796.
 The freehold property, Voorspoed, at Riebeeks Kasteel, and a loan farm named De Melkhoutboom on the Vetrivier in the Swellendam district, are listed in the inventory of 1772.
 for a note on his parentage see below# |
| | children of Christoffel Lombard and Elsje Botha | |
| | Antonie Lombard born 1757 born 1757 7 baptized 20 November 1757, Swartland 8
 Notes: He is not among the children listed in his mothers Inventory drawn up after her death and dated 24th October 1772. He had presumably died before that.
| Sophia Johanna Lombard 9 born 1759 born 6 February 1759 10 baptized 25 February 1759, Swartland 11 married Johannes Albertus Laubscher 12 |
| Christoffel Hendrik Lombard born 1760 born 7 February 1760 13 baptized 2 March 1760, Swartland 14
 Notes: He is not among the children listed in his mother's Inventory drawn up after her death and dated 24th October 1772. He had presumably died before that.
| Jacobus Johannes Lombard 15 born 1761 born 1761 16 baptized 26 July 1761, Swartland 17 |
| Daniel Stephanus Lombard 18 born 1763 born 12 June 1763 19 baptized 3 July 1763, Swartland 20 |
| Pieter Lombard 21 born 1764 born 11 October 1764 22 baptized 28 October 1764, Swartland 23 |
| Andries Benjamin Lombard 1766-1819 born 24 May 1766, Swellendam baptized 22 June 1766, Swartland died 10 July 1819 married 1 May 1798 Swartland Elisabeth Maria Olivier 24 1783-1832 of De Melkhoute Boom, on the Klijne Vet Rivier, Swellendam |
| Johanna Maria Lombard 25 born 1768 born 10 July 1768 26 baptized 30 July 1768, Swartland 27 married Johannes Stephanus van der Westhuisen 28 |
| Hendrik Lombard 29 born 1769 born 19 October 1769 30 baptized 12 November 1769, Swartland 31 |
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| | children of Christoffel Lombard and Maria Johanna Walters | |
| | Christoffel Lombard born 1774 born 5 August 1774 33 baptized 4 September 1774, Swartland 34 |
| Maria Catharina Lombard born 1775 born 19 November 1775 35 baptized 3 December 1775, Swartland 36 |
| Johannes Gerhardus Lombard 1777-1847 born 4 April 1777, Riebeeks Kasteel baptized 4 May 1777, Swartland died 5 April 1847, at his house in the village of Malmesbury married (1) 17 November 1799 Cape Town Barbara Magdalena Rogge 37 1784-1814 married (2) 3 February 1816 Worcester (Tulbagh registers) Elsie Engelbrecht 38 died after 1847 |
| Margareta Elizabeth Lombard born 1779 born 2 January 1779 39 baptized 4 May 1779, Swartland 40
 Notes: She is not among the children listed in the Accounts drawn up after the death of her father and dated 30th November 1796. She had presumably died before that.
| Nicolaas Lombard 1780-before 1816 born 22 April 1780 baptized 14 May 1780, Swartland died before 1816 |
| Katarina Magdalena Lombard born 1781 born 4 July 1781 41 baptized 29 July 1781, Swartland 42
 Notes: She is not among the children listed in the Accounts drawn up after the death of her father and dated 30th November 1796. She had presumably died before that.
| Anthonie Lombard born 1784 born 1784 43 baptized 8 August 1784, Drakenstein 44
 Notes: He is not among the children listed in the Accounts drawn up after the death of his father and dated 30th November 1796. He had presumably died before that.
| Samuel Stevanus Lombard born 1785 born 29 September 1785 45 baptized 6 November 1785, Swartland 46
 Notes: He is not among the children listed in the Accounts drawn up after the death of his father and dated 30th November 1796. He had presumably died before that.
| Stephanus Sebastian Lombard 1786-1865 born 25 October 1786, Riebeek Kasteel baptized 19 November 1786, Swartland died 14 July 1865, Caledon, at the house of Hendrik T. Theunissen married after 1807 Carolina Petronella Rogge 47 circa 1790-circa 1840 |
| Francois Johannes Lombard born 1788 born 24 February 1788 48 baptized 16 March 1788, Swartland 49 |
| Pieter Lombard born 1789 born 9 July 1789 50 baptized 10 August 1789, Swartland 51
 Notes: He is not among the children listed in the Accounts drawn up after the death of his father and dated 30th November 1796. He died presumably before 1792 when a brother received the same name.
| Pieter Johannes Lombard born 1792 born 31 January 1792 52 baptized 19 February 1792, Swartland 53
 Notes: On his father's estate accounts, dated 1796, he is recorded as being four years old and was paid out his share, but another hand has noted against his name 'overleden' (deceased) but no date is given.
 He is mentioned again in a supplementary accouning of 1800, but not in his mother's will of 1798.
| Christiaan Lombard born 1793 born 8 March 1793 54 baptized 7 April 1793, Swartland 55 |
| Benjamin Lombard born 1794 born 30 April 1794 56 baptized 18 May 1794, Swartland 57 |
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