Cape Archives - Verbatim Copies |
Cape Archives index - via Naairs online site |
Cape Death Notifications 1758-1838 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 6/1, 6/2, 6/3 |
Cape Muster Rolls of Free Settlers 1660 - 1725 |
 | Cape Archives, VC39 and VC40 |
Church Registers - Cape Town Congregation |
 | Nederlands Gereformeerde Kerk Argief, G1-8/1 |
Church Registers - Cape Town, Holy Trinity, Harrington Street |
Church Registers - Cape Town, St George |
 | Wits Unive online scans of the registers |
Church Registers - Ceres congreation |
Church Registers - Drakenstein Congregation |
Church Registers - Drakenstein Congregation - Membership list |
 | In: French Refugees at the Cape, by C. Graham Botha |
Church Registers - Durbanville Congregation |
Church Registers - Kruisvallei Congregation, Tulbagh |
Church Registers - Riebeek West congregation |
Church Registers - St. Pancras Old Church, London - LDS extraction C047933/4 |
Church Registers - Stellenbosch congregation |
Church Registers - Swartland Congregation |
 | GISA, Film 5-140 |
Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation |
 | Cape Archives, VC 657, and VC 664 |
Church Registers - Tulbagh Congregation - Deaths |
 | Het Boek der gestorvene persoonen In't land van Waveren |  | Cape Archives, VC 665 |
Church Registers - Wellington Congregation |
Conversations with my mother |
 | Richard Ball |
Dagregister en Briewe van Zacharias Wagenaer 1662-1666 |
 | Suid-Afrikaanse Argiefstukke: Belangrike Kaapse Dokumente, Deel II, Die Staatsdrukker, Pretoria, 1973 |
Dagregister van .. Jan Anthonisz van Riebeeck 1652-1662 |
Death Notice - Barnes, Magdalena Sophia (born Redelinghuys) - 1965 |
Death Notice - Burger, Willemina Maria - 1836 |
Death Notice - Du Plessis, Wilhelmina Maria, born du Toit - 1896 |
Death Notice - Du Toit, Willem Francois - 1859 |
Death Notice - Du Toit, Charl - 1872 |
Death Notice - Du Toit, Hester Cecilia Aletta, wife of J.P.J. van Rensburg - 1876 |
Death Notice - Du Toit, Johannes Petrus - 1903 |
Death Notice - Lombard, Elisabeth Maria Geertruida - 1861 |
Death Notice - Louw, Magdalena Sophia - 1884 |
Death Notice - Redelinghuys, Petrus Johannes - 1875 |
Death Notice - Simpson, Helen - 1870 |
Death Notice - Simpson, James - 1915 |
Death Notice - Simpson, William - 21 Nov 1863 |
Death Notice - Simpson, William Dan B. - 1867 |
Death Notice - Van Rensburg, Anna Sophia - 1842 |
Death Notice - Van Rensburg, Christiaan Gabriel Janse - 1902 |
 | filed 28 july 1902 - ref no:2490 |  | South African National Archives, Cape Town, MOOC 6/9/455 |
Death Notice - Van Rensburg, Elizabeth Anne Janse (born Simpson) - 1924 |
Death Notice - Van Rensburg, Hendrik Petrus - 1841 |
Death Notice - Van Rensburg, Johannes Petrus Janse - 1927 |
Death Notice - Van Rensburg, Johannes Petrus Janse - 1931 |
Death Notice - Van Rensuburg, Johannes Petrus Janse - 1954 |
Death notice - Barnes, George William - 1966 |
Deed of Gift - Van der Merwe, Willem Schalk & Elsie Jacob Cloeten - 1696 |
Eeufees Gedenkboek van Ceres 1855-1955 |
 | J.P.G. Underhay and H.G. Hopkins |
Estate Accounts - Botha, Jacobus, de Oude - 1791 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/19, 2 |
Estate Accounts - Burger, Anna Sophia - 1802 |
Estate Accounts - Van Staden, Maarten & Catharina Willems - 1718 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/1, 106 |
Estate Accounts - Van der Merwe, Aletta - 1729 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 13/1/2, 56 |
Estate Distribution Account (MOOC 13/1/337,15) |
Estate Distribution Account - Ball, Elizabeth Anne Gertruida 1987 |
Estate Inventory - Provo, Anna wed. Schalk Willems van der Merwe - 1740 |
Family Bible - Magdalena Sophia van Rensburg |
Geslagsregister van ou Kaapse Families |
 | C.C. de Villiers, hersien en aangevul deur C. Pama, A.A.Balkema, Kaapstad, 1966 |
Inventory - Burger, Willem - 12 July 1731 |
Inventory - Janz van Rensburg, Elsje - 1777 |
 | dated 15 January 1777 |  | Cape Archives via TANAP, MOOC 8/16, 15a |
Inventory - Van Rensburg, Willem - 1746 |
Inventory - Van Rensburg, Willem Willemszoon - 1818 |
 | dated 2 March 1818 |  | Cape Archives via TANAP, MOOC 8/37, 23 |
Inventory - Van Staden, Marthinus - 3 October 1746 |
 | In: Die Boedelinventarisse van Erflaters in die Distrik Stellenbosch 1679-1806, transcribed by Annemarie Krzesinski-De Windt, published by Stellenbosch Museum 2002 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 8/6, 111 |
Inventory - Van der Merwe, Aletta - 1729 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 8/5 no. 24 ?? |
Kerkbode |
Kok, Andrew - information by email |
Marriage certificate - Johannes P J van Rensburg and Magdalena S. Redelinghuys |
 | Republic of South Africa - Full Marriage Certificate, Issued Pretoria 19 - 2 - 1970 |
Master of the Orphan Chamber - Death Rolls 1758 - 1833 |
Matrimonial Court, Malmesbury |
Newspaper - death notice - J.P.J. van Rensburg - 1927 |
Newspaper - death notice - Elizabeth Anne Janse van Rensburg (born Simpson) - 1924 |
 | Family, Wagenbooms Rivier |
Opgaaf Returns |
 | University of the Western Cape Computer reduction |
Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope: Requeste (Memorials) 1715-1806 |
Redelinghuys, Adriaan - communication by email |
Renunciation of Inheritance - Van Staden, Martinus - 1707 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/2, 83 |
Resolutions of the Council of Policy |
 | |  | Cape Archives |
Simpson Family Collected Information |
 | Ethel Ada Simpson (compiler): collected together from various, unnamed sources, before 1953. |  | Andrew McMurray |
Tulbagh, Oude Kerk Cemetery, gravestone inscriptions |
 | Genealogical Society of SA |  | Naairs Online database: |
Van Rensburg web site, by A.M. van Rensburg |
Villiersdorp Cemetery, Western Cape |
Weeskamer Notulen |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 1 |
Will - Burger, Andries & Martha Mouton 1727 |
Will - Burger, Anna Sophia wed Joh Pienaar - 1783 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/91, 7 |
Will - Burger, Hester Cecilia & SW du Toit - 1792 |
Will - Burger, Willem & Catharina Liebenberg 12 November 1770 |
Will - Burger, Willem & Judith Grundlingh - 1791 |
Will - Burger, Willemina Maria & RP Erasmus - 1815 |
 | Cape Archives |
Will - Du Toit, A G M (born Theron) - 1816 |
Will - Du Toit, Schalk Willem & Maria de Bruyn 1777 |
Will - Du Toit, Schalk Willem & Maria de Bruyn 1778 |
Will - Du Toit, Schalk Willem and Hester Cecilia Burger - 1802 |
Will - Du Toit, Willem Francois and Elsie J J van Rensburg - 1836 |
 | 2nd February 1836 |  | Archives, Cape Town, MOOC 7/1/245,190 and 191 |
Will - Du Toit, Wm Francois & AMG Theron 1816 |
 | Cape Archives |
Will - Moller, Alida Margrita - 1798 |
 | Cape Archives, NCD 2/6, 14 |
Will - Pienaar, Johannes & Anna Sophia Burger - 1772 |
Will - Redelinghuys, Petrus Johannes and Magdalena Sophia Louw - 1845 |
Will - Rensburg, Willem Janse & Hester Burger - 1792 |
Will - Rensburg, Willem Janse & Hester Burger - 1792 b |
Will - Russouw, Elisabeth - 1768 |
Will - Smit, Alewyn and Hester Bekker - 1774 |
Will - Smit, Francois and Maria van Staden |
Will - Smit, Francois and Maria van Staden - 1722 |
Will - Smit, Francois and Maria van Staden - 30.6.1722 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/10, 53 |
Will - Smit, Helena & Bartholomeus van den Vyver - 1784 |
Will - Van Rensburg, Claas Jansz: and Aletta van der Merwe - 1727 |
 | Cape Archives, CJ 2604, 9 |
Will - Van Rensburg, Hester Cecilia Aletta - 1867 |
Will - Van Rensburg, Johannes Petrus - 1876 |
Will - Van Rensburg, Nicolaas J. and WM Burger - 1794 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 7/1/67, 34 |
Will - Van Staden, Maarten & Catharina Willems - 1705 |
 | Cape Archives, 1 STB 18/2, 20 |
Will - Van Staden, Maria - 1758 |
 | Cape Archives, CJ 2664, 26 |
Will - Van Staden, Maria - 1775 |
 | CJ 2672, 44 - dated 17th Janurary 1775 |  | Cape Archives |
Will - Van Staden, Maria - codicil - 1777 |
 | MOOC 7/1/30, 35 - dated 25 July 1777 |
Will - Van der Merwe, Elsie - 1747 |
Will - Van der Merwe, Elsje - 1738 and 1747 |