1806 Belfast Traders Directory |
1808 Belfast Trades Directory |
1824 Pigot's Directory of Belfast and |
1843 Belfast Trade Directory |
Belfast Belfast Daily Mercury |
Belfast Mercury |
Belfast News-Letter |
Birth Certificate - Simpson, James Caldwell - 1843 |
 | supplied by Ian Godfrey of Australia |
Birth Certificate - Simpson, Mary Beatty - 1847 |
 | supplied by Ian Godfrey of Australia |
Cape Arcives Online Index (NAAIRS) |
Census of England and Wales - 1841 |
Church Registers - Cape Town, Holy Trinity, Harrington Street |
Church Registers - Cape Town, St George |
 | Wits Unive online scans of the registers |
Church Registers - Ceres Dutch Reformed |
Church Registers - St. Pancras Old Church, London - LDS extraction C047933/4 |
Church Registers - Tulbagh Dutch Reformed |
 | GISA, Film 5-154 |
Conversations with my mother |
Death Notice - Adam, Matthew - 1832 |
 | Cape Archives, MOOC 6/9/60, 1631 |
Death Notice - Adams, Annie Elizabeth (born Fauconnier) - 1893 |
Death Notice - Adams, George Preston - 1892 |
Death Notice - Adams, George Preston - 1904 |
Death Notice - Fauconnier, Antonoon - 1837 |
Death Notice - Radmall, Thomas - 1854 |
 | MOOC 6/9/67, 2634 |
Death Notice - Simpson, William Dan - as supplied by Andrew McMurray |
Death notice - Adams, James Alfred - 1943 |
Death notice - Du Toit, Hester Cecilia Aletta, wife of J.P.J. van Rensburg - 1876 |
Death notice - Simpson, Anna Maria (born van Rensburg) - 1894 |
Death notice - Simpson, Charles Napier - 1872 |
 | Filed on: 23/07/1872 |  | Cape Archives, MOOC 6/9/140 Ref no:8384 |
Death notice - Simpson, Helen - 1870 |
Death notice - Simpson, James - 1915 |
Death notice - Simpson, Jessie - 1928 |
 | MOOC 6/9/3467, filed 15 January 1929 by James Alfred Adams |  | Cape Archives |
Death notice - Simpson, William - 21 Nov 1863 |
Death notice - Simpson, William Dan B. - 1867 |
Death notice - Van Rensburg, Christiaan Gabriel Janse - 1902 |
 | Master of the Supreme Court, Cape Town, filed 28 july 1902 - ref no:2490 |  | South African National Archives, Cape Town, MOOC 6/9/455 |
Death notice - Van Rensburg, Elizabeth Anne Janse (born Simpson) - 1924 |
Death notice - Van Rensburg, Johannes Petrus Janse - 1931 |
Email Communication |
 | Marietha, received 31 July 2008 |
LDS - IGI - patron submission |
Letter from Williams Simpson to Colonial Secretary - 1858 |
 | Simpson, William, 1858 |  | Cape Archives, CO 4105, S129 |
London Metropolitan Archives, Saint Pancras Parish Church, Register of baptisms |
 | ancestry.co.uk |
Memorial Inscription - Plymouth Cemetary |
Newspaper - death notice - Elizabeth Anne Janse van Rensburg (born Simpson) - 1924 |
 | Family, Wagenbooms Rivier |
Northern Whig |
Simpson Family Collected Information |
 | Ethel Ada Simpson (compiler), collected together from various, unnamed sources, before 1953. |  | Andrew McMurray |
Simpson Family Notes |
 | Betty Simpson, email communication, October 2008 |
South African Commercial Advertiser |
The Belfast News-Letter |
 | Brishish Newspaper Archive |
The Belfast Newsletter |
Villiersdorp Cemetery, Western Cape |
Will - McCammon, Mary |