Elizabeth Marsters
born 25 August 1826, Lynn, Norfolk, England 1
baptized 25 September 1826, St. Margarets, Lynn
died 18 January 1901, Minneapolis, Mn
buried Lakewood Cem, Mpls, Mn | Notes: | Elizabeth and her six youngest children sailed from London on the ship SS Denmark, arriving at New York on 14th March 1876. (courtesy of: Ancestry.Com - Immigration database) |
| | children of Elizabeth Marsters and Richard Ball | |
| | Richard Marsters Ball 1856-1931 born 4 February 1856, Stepney, Adelaide, South Austrialia 3 died 11 September 1931, Alameida County, California 4
 Notes: In the British 1871 census, a Richard M. Ball, aged 15 and born in Australia appears among the scholars at Christ's Hospital School in Newgate, London.
 According to the USA 1900 census returns Richard Marsters Ball, born 1856 in Australia, was living on Fourteenth Street, Oakland, California, and had been married for one year to his wife Alice Ball. She was the mother of 7 children, of which 6 were still living. Living with them was his son-in-law (sic) Charles Plunkett aged 15. According to this census he had been in the USA since 1880, she since 1877.
 In the 1910 census Richard reported that he was married for the second time. The 1930 census doesn't record the number of marriages, but it does record that he was first married at age 30, which would have been in 1886.
 In 1910 he said he had immigrated to the USA in 1880; in 1930 he said it had been in 1886. Gregg Dunn thinks it must have been in the 1870's. It was probably with the rest of his family around 1878.
 (information kindly supplied by Greg Dunn of Chicago, to whom I am much indebted married (1) Alice Devers 5 1856-1917 born May 1856, Canada 6 died 4 May 1917 7 married (2) Alvin C. born circa 1867 born circa 1867 8 |
| Edward Fitzroy Ball born 1858 born 26 October 1858, New Melbourne, South Australia baptized 8 October 1860, Burwell Independent Chapel married Mary E. Goodall 9 born 1859 |
| Charles Albert Ball 1860-1898 born 26 May 1860, Burwell 10 baptized 8 October 1860, Burwell Independent Chapel died 28 May 1898, Minneapolis, Minnesota buried Lakewood Cemetary, Minneapolis |
| Frederick Ball 1863-1908 born 1863, Burwell, Cambridge, England died 26 January 1908, Minneapolis, Mn buried Lakewood Cem, Mpls, Mn
 Notes: freebmd has an entry:
 BALL Frederick James Newmarket 3b 532
 (would this be him?)
| Harry Ball 1863-1944 born 1863, Burwell, Cambridge, England died 4 June 1944, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co, Mn buried Lakewood Cem, Mpls, Mn married Maude 11 |
| Gertrude Elizabeth Ball 1864-1958 born 20 October 1864, Burwell, Cambridgeshire, England died 15 May 1958, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., Mn married John Jacob Kelly |
| Clara Grace Ball 1866-1948 born 1866, Burwell, Cambridge, England baptized Burwell Independent Chapel died 10 November 1948 married George Arents 12 |
| Frank Ball 1869-1934 born 8 May 1869 baptized Burwell Independent Chapel died 3 February 1934, Minneapolis, Hennepin Co, Mn buried Lakewood Cem, Mpls, Mn married Mathilda Thompson |
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