Margaret McCammon died before 1852 died before 28 December 1852 married Michael Andrews 7 of Ardoyne |
John McCammon died before 1852 died before 28 December 1852 |
Mary McCammon died before 1852 died before 28 December 1852 married William Coscaden Thompson 8 |
Joseph McCammon 9
 Notes: From 1810 onwards a Joseph M'Cammon advertises various goods, shipped in to Belfast, for sale. By 1816 he is a shipper, advertising various voyages to take goods and passengers, on various ships, including one recently built, the John M'Cammon.
 In October 1816 his bankruptcy auction is announce, including the sale of the John M'Cammon, but in November he is once more advertising sailings, goods, etc, from his Stores at 11 Donegall Quay. These advertisement continue until 1829 and then cease.
 [Mainly from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle. Unfortunately the web site makes no mention if the series is complete or has gaps which might account for gaps of years in these advertsiements. Belfast Newspapers on the British Newspaper Archive]
Thomas McCammon 10 Tanner (1843) 11 |
Ann Jane McCammon 12 married James Ferguson 13 Linen Merchant of Antrim |
Eliza McCammon 14 married John Huddleston 15 died before 1852 a Captian in Her Majesty's eighteenth Regiment and late Barrackmaster of The Island of Cephelonia died before 28 December 1852 16 |
Charlotte McCammon 17 married Robert Gamble 18 of Belfast 19 |
Catherine McCammon 20 married William Quin 21 surgeon 22 of Belfast 23 |
Helen McCammon 1811-1870 born 11 February 1811, Belfast, Ireland died 5 January 1870, Tulbagh married 27 September 1833 [Belfast] William Simpson 24 1809-1863 surgeon |